the doorbell rings. Half awake, I wonder, "Did I just hear the doorbell?" and doze back off. I hear it again, this time I realize it's not a dream. Who can it be, it's pitch dark outside?
Stumbling to the door, fumbling with my pants, I see a police officer with a flashlight. I feel the special panic only a parent can know once their kids have left home. What Happened!! Who died?? Who had a wreck and lies in some emergency room somewhere??
Now fully awake, I turn on the light, open the door, ask what is wrong. The alarm goes off and my wife says, "What's going on?" from behind me.
"Sorry to bother you Sir but I noticed your garage door was open and the dome light is on in your car. Can you check to see if everything is OK?"
"Sure thing." Great relief, just the garage door.
I go outside and see that the back door of the car is ajar. I open it, see the stupid plastic flowers on the floorboard and realize what has happened.
"Is everything all right?" as he shines his flashlight in.
"Yeah, I was taking groceries out of the car and didn't close the door all the way. I forgot to come back for the last item, everything is fine. Thanks for stopping, have a good evening."
He goes back to his car as I close the garage door and stumble back to bed.
"What time is it?"
It's hard to go back to sleep once your heart has stopped...