Monday, September 18, 2006

I'm back

Well, it's been a while since I updated the blog. It was important to me to keep track of my marathon training and blogging it was a great way to do it. I looked back several times to see where I had been. It was fun to see stuff about how hard 12 miles was after running 22.

Guess what, I'm ramping up for my next marathon. It is in Feb some time, I have my training schedule all laid out and you would think I would be ready to go.

Not so fast. A few months ago, I started having some dizziness, periods where I really felt like crap. After working out I would be really unsteady and it got worse and worse so I finally went to the doctor. To make a long story short, after seeing several people and finding out I don't have any heart problems or a brain tumor, I finally found someone who was interested in actually curing my problem instead of just kicking the tires and calling it a day. Turns out I have a type of shingles, a nerve disorder of some kind, in my right ear causing my balance to be hinky and consequently causing my dizziness. I'm taking some meds for it and need to do some blood work and stuff but I think I'm well on my way to getting better.

So, I cranked up my running last week in an attempt to get to start this at the beginning of October.

I've got a ways to go to get ready to start training. I tried to do 5 miles on Sunday and fell a bit short. I completed the entire 5 but only made it about 3 before having to walk on and off the rest of the way. I'm supposed to be doing 6 on Sundays so we'll see how I do next week.

Wish me luck. My body is still in pretty good form, the advances and changes I made last year are still with me but I have put on some flab. My wind usually seems really good but I haven't pushed very hard yet.

More next week.


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