Saturday, February 04, 2006

Week 18

Week 18 is ending a day early because I'm going to New York City tomorrow (nanny nanny boo boo).

Monday was an off day and it was a damm good thing because I felt like hammered horse shit. Sunday's 22 miles took a lot our of me. I usually go to the gym but I bagged that too and just went home after work and vegged out.

Tuesday I felt a lot better. As soon as we got home, I went out and ran 6 miles. It was rough, my legs were pretty stiff and tired and my knees were hurting but I persevered and made it.

Wednesday was supposed to be 5 miles. I decided to bag it, my knees were not feeling well at all and I'll be dammed if I'm gonna blow a knee two weeks before the marathon.

Thursday I ran 8 miles. I felt pretty darm good most of the way but had to push it a bit at the end. Once again, I made it.

Friday was a rest day but I went to the gym and did some upper body and situps. My back was hurting a bit and I think it was because I hadn't been to the gym all week.

Saturday was supposed to be 4 miles but I decided to do my normal Sunday run on Saturday instead. My plane goes at noon which means I have to leave the house no later than 10. The run is 12 miles which is a good 2 hours. Add breakfast, a shower, pre being gone a week quality time with the missus and I would have had to get up at 4 AM.

So I got up Saturday morning, ate breakfast and took off about 9:30. Honestly, I almost bagged it. My legs had been hurting at night and my knees didn't feel 100% but I sucked it up and went anyway. Can't be half stepping this close to the marathon. The weather was beautiful, perfect running weather. It was about 47 degress but not cold with a light breeze and a completely cloudless sky. My legs felt really good, not stiff at all. My knees talked to me a bit at first but everything settled down and the first 8 miles went by like nothing. It's really funny when you get to the first mile on a long run it seems like you have a long way to go but when it's over, I can't remember most of it and it seems like a snap. At about the 9 mile point, I hit some pretty hilly area and started feeling it a bit. My mind was telling me to stop and walk, a habit I picked up on my long runs but 12 miles is cake, no way I need to walk on a 12 mile run so I kept plugging. By 10 miles my legs were hurting but I just kept going. I made the 12 miles in some pain, I was even limping a bit when I stopped but I made it so it was all worth it.

The next two weeks are pretty light as I taper down to the marathon. I'll be running in NYC next week, won't that be fun. Oh yeah, before you get too jealous, the high temp the whole week I will be there is 38.

Two weeks to the big day. Man I'm looking forward to putting that thing behind me.


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