Sunday, January 15, 2006

Week 15

A pretty good week overall.

I decided to go back to the gym and do some weight lifting. My hips have been hurting and I read that running only strengthes certain leg muscles and you need to work out the others seperately. So, I went on Monday and did what used to be my normal upper body and added in 4 leg machines, did some leg lifts and some sit ups. I wasn't too worried about being sore, my running should have at least kept everything somewhat toned and that turned out to be the case, I didn't get sore at all.

Tuesday was an easy day. I was supposed to do some intervals but just ran 3 miles instead with a few fartlek sessions. My legs felt a little weak from the weights lifting but not too bad.

Wednesday I hit the gym again, same routine as on Monday but I also ran 6 miles on the treadmill. In the past, I always just set it on 6 MPH (10 minute mile) and so figured that was good this time too. It was a little harder than I expected since I haven't been running quite that fast out on the road. However, I did the 6 miles without any problem although my legs once again felt a little weak about half way thru.

Thurday was 8 miles. Not much problem here but still my legs were a bit weak. I had originally planned on going to the gym and lift again on Friday but decided to skip it and give my legs an extra day to rest for the big 22 on Sunday.

Saturday was an easy 3 mile warmup. No problems there. 3 miles felt prety good and only really served to get me good and sweaty.

So, I felt pretty good and ready for Sunday. I decided to do the same course that defeated me two weeks ago. My wife decided to go with me at the last minute and ride her bicycle. I have really been on her to get back in shape, there was a time she could run 5 miles with no problem but hurt her knees several years ago and has been having problems getting going again. We loaded up with water and Gatorade and took off about 8:45. The weather was pretty nice, around 52 but a little windy. The only bad thing was I got about a mile out and relized I had forgotten my Shot Bloks. I decided to just forge on and hope the Gatorade would keep me fueled. The wind was at my back and was no sweat for the first 7.5 miles and when I hit the turn to go east, I was feeling pretty good and running easy. This was the point two weeks ago when I knew I was in trouble but today, I felt like a million bucks. The road I turned on here is about the most podunk back country road you can imagine, it's dirt for the first 1/2 miles but that's a good thing, no cars. The bad part is that it goes down between two cotton fields and the cotton is gone, nothing out there but plowed dirt to look at and nothing to stop the wind. Luckily, the wind was from the south so it was hitting me from the side and not having much effect. I put this section of the run behind me without too much effort and was still feeling good when I hit the half way point and turned into the wind. The wind was strong, probably about 10 - 15 MPH but I still wasn't having any trouble. I could feel it to be sure but was still running strong. This stretch of road is about three miles long and also pretty boring but not quite as bad as the last one. My legs were starting to get pretty stiff but I just kept plugging away. I finally got to Mortons Crossing, a little bump in the road that is about the 14 mile point. Although the wind was still pretty strong, there are some trees here to cut it a bit. I tried to walk a bit here to rest my legs but when I stopped, it just didn't feel right so I immediately went back to running. It wasn't long after that, maybe a mile where I hit a really steep hill. I normally kick it's ass but today was the hill's day, I got about half way up and started walking. I was feeling pretty tired by this point and my legs were hurting so the walk did me some good. I was able to start running at the top and continued on. I made somewhat of a tactical error shortly after this, I deicded to take a new route down Melber Lane. My normal route and this road form a square so the distance is the same so I opted for some new scenery, The bad part is that Melber Lane is EVIL!! It's all hills. Not pretty little hills, big leg chewing, lung busting hills. Melber Lane drained the rest of my energy reserves, I would walk up each hill and run down the other side. Finally, the ordeal of Melber Lane was over but I was pretty tired and running out of energy quick. I had about 2 1/2 miles left so did about a mile, walking some running mostly then chugged a large quantity of Gatorade, hopeing for an energy boost. The course I laid out was actually about 22.75 miles and I actually seemed to get a boost about the 22 mile mark and was able to run the last 3/4 miles at a pretty good pace. Maybe it was seeing the end that gave me some energy, I do always seem to have a pretty good kick at the end.

Anyway, it was finally over. It took me a little less than 4 hours to complete which I am certainly pleased with given the wind and evil I endured. My goal for the marathon is somewhere around 4 hours. Given that I have 5 weeks of training left, I think I might actually be able to hit 4 hours or pretty darn close. I was using this run as a test to see if I could actually do the marathon and I passed. I haven't signed up yet but I'll be doing that in the next few days.

Marathon here I come.


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