Sunday, February 12, 2006

Week 19

I was in New York City most of the week. Some who read this will have seen most of it already.

Monday was an off night. When I got out of class I just wandered around, scouting out my running areas. I found the running path along the Hudson with no problem and then found the entrance to the Brooklyn Bridge. There is a big wide path going right up the center of it but after mapping it out, I just couldn't get the mileage I needed without running in some areas I wasn't too sure of. Besides, it's cold enough on the ground, I can't imagine what it would be like 300 feet in the air over a river (yes, I'm a wuss). I'll probably do the bridge when the wife and I come back on vacation, for now I'll confine my running to ground level.

Tuesday night was 5 miles. They have built a running/biking path all around Manhattan so you can run without having to cross many streets. It goes along the water so that is nice but that wind will cut right thru you. I spotted the Statue of Liberty on my return path. It was getting dark so I could just make her out but the torch was shining brightly. That was pretty cool for an old country boy like me.

Wednesday night I went running south from my hotel (went north on Tuesday). This took me around the south end of Manhattan, thru Battery Park, past the Staten Island ferry and under the Brooklyn Bridge. It was still light so I got a good view of the Statue of Liberty from Battery Park. The trail is not near as nice on this end, lots of running on sidewalks, across streets and as you come up the east side, you run thru what is basically a big parking lot. However, it improves a bit as you get close to the bridge. It's still freezing cold so I was glad to get my 4 miles done and get back to my nice cozy hotel room.

Thursday night I was going running Central Park at 7:30 with some of the folks from the Coolrunnings board. Here is their web site: I had to take the subway and there was a station right in the same block as my hotel so I head down there only to find that some asshole has jammed a candy wrapper in the credit card machine. So I head back up to the next station, get in just in time to see the train coming. Since there was only one choice when you go in, I asked a cop if that was the right train to Central Park. He gives me a dirty look but says it is. So, just to make sure, when it stops, I ask a guy hanging out the window on the front and he says it's will get me close. The only problem is that now I can't get in the damm train, it is so packed full of people. I mean these people are lined up at the door literally like sardines in a can. So, I move down to the end of the platform and wait for the next one. I finally get on but don't get to my stop till 7:25. I come out of the station not sure which way to go but just take off running in what I hope is the right direction. I'm at 86th street and soon come to 87th street (I'm going to 90th) so I know I'm going north and that Central Park is on my left. On the map, Central Park looks to be one block west of the street I'm on but when I look that direction, all I can see are more buildings. I get to 90th street and head west, hoping for the best. After a block, I see a lady and ask if I'm going in the right direction which she confirms so I keep going. It turns out to be 4 blocks so just as I'm crossing the street in to the park, I see a group of 6 - 7 people take off running. I pick up my pace a bit and soon catch up to them. I run up along side one of the them and greet him, expecting one of them to ackowledge me but he just returns the greeting and runs on. So, I'm just running along with them with no one saying anything so I say, "Are you guys the group I'm supposed to meet." They all turn around and look at me and one says, "Are you Big Ed?" Since I was probably the only Big Ed in Central Park that night, I acknowledge the fact that yes, I'm Big Ed. He says, "This is the guy from Texas." to the rest of the group and they all welcome me into their little running party. From that point, we all just chat and run and have a grand old time. 5 miles went by like 5 minutes. Central Park is beautiful, even at night and it is relatively quiet compared to the rest of the city. I got lost coming back to my hotel and damm near freeze my butt off but eventually get going the right direction, grab some supper and hit the room for the night.

Friday is an off day and it's a good thing because I fly back to Austin later in the afternoon.

Saturday is an easy 3 miles. My legs hurt a bit but level out once I get warmed up.

Sunday is my last 12 miles before the marathon. I get up about 7:30 and the temp is 30 so I make breakfast, putz around a bit and about 10 the temp is 47 so I get ready and take off. The wind is blowing but it's pretty comfortable with just shorts and a long sleeve shirt. The wind really hits me at places but I cover the 12 miles with little trouble. My hips are pretty tight by the time I stop but I pushed the last few miles pretty hard.

One more week to the big day, my first marathon. I'm a little worried but I'm just going to go and see what happens. My goal is 4 hours, I expect to do it in 4 1/2 hours but anything less than 5 hours is OK with me.

Wish me luck, hopefully I won't need it.


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