Friday, July 29, 2005

This pisses me off

NOT BigFoot

You know, there is nothing that pisses me off worse than bisons running around pretending to be BigFoots (or is that Big Feet?) Damm bisons have always had a weird sense of humor, running around on two legs and making drunk Canadians think they are Big Foots (or is that BigFeet?) You would think bisons had something better to do...

The Aristocrats

I want to see this movie: The Aristocrats so bad I can taste it. I don't think I've been this excited about a movie since the first LotR. The only word I can think of to describe my sense of humor is twisted but that doesn't really capture the essence somehow. Not only do I love a good dirty joke, I'm a real student of human nature and love listening to people talk about how they do what they do.

Anyway, this movie might actually be the death of me. I laughed myself stupid at Jackass: The Movie. I might laugh myself into an early grave with this one.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Heading for the Big A

Saturday morning, someone rang the doorbell. It was the postman and he had a big envelope that was short .23 postage. It was addressed to my wife so I gave him a quarter.

It was an invitation from one of her cousins. It's for a Quinceaneras which is a Mexican/Catholic thing they do for a girl when she turns 15, kind of a coming out party. It's damm near like a wedding, these people spend 1000s of dollars on them. It's a church ceremony then a big party.

As soon as I saw what it was, I knew I was doomed. She didn't say anything till yesterday but I knew she was going to want to go. So I guess you might be asking yourself why this is such a big deal.

Well, you see, her cousin lives in Amarillo. I would rather get a barb wire enema than waste a weekend driving to Amarillo. However, sometimes you just gotta grin and bear it so being the great guy and terrific husband I am, I just nodded and said no problem. So we're leaving tomorrow afternoon and coming back on Sunday.

Pray for me. It's gonna be a long weekend.

Immunity from civil suits

Guns for everyone

First off, I don't have a problem with guns. I grew up in North Texas where everyone has a gun. I had a .22 growing up and my grandpa gave me a 16 gague shotgun for my 16th birthday. I wish I knew what happened to that .22 but I still have the shotgun. I was also in the Army for 20 years so lets just say that I have more than a passing familiarity with firearms. I must admit I do have a problem with letting someone build a personal arsenal but that is a topic for another time.

That being said, this is not really about guns. I have never understood this kind of legislation. Why do we need a law that says a certain group of people who make a certain type of product, whether that be the pre-gurgitated goop we call fast food or an assault weapon? What is it about these people or these products that give them special status not enjoyed by say the ladder or blender manufacturers, have immunity from being sued? Does the fact that they are a popular target mean they need protection or that they need to clean up their act?

I know our judicial system is a mess but giving people license to do whatever they want and not be subject to the same consequences the rest of us are is just flat wrong.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

An interesting saga

Don't go here unless you've got a few hours

Fat Man Walking

His journal is probably one of the most interesting stories I've read in a while. Good luck and safe travels to Steve and his family.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

They've won

Closing the barn door after the horse is dead

OK, so some nut job sets off a few bombs in London and we spend more and more resources on the off chance someone will walk past a police officer, that police officer will happen to search their bag and it will be the one bag in 20,000 that has the bomb. Here is a quote that really ticks me off:

In Hoboken, Valerie Roedel, a 30-year-old accountant, had her bag searched as she began her trip home to Bayonne on the Hudson-Bergen Light Rail system. "It wouldn't be my target of choice, but it's as vulnerable as any other transit system," she said. "Every little bit helps. Searches are just a new part of the commute."

Fuck that shit. Every little bit doesn't help. Every time we knee jerk over some random event, it makes things 10 times worse. They are called terrorists because their aim is to invoke terror and we are all completely mad with terror. We are so filled with terror that we just blindly accept this bullshit. Isn't it bad enough that our wives get felt up at the airport and we have to walk around in our socks, now we get our personal belongings searched whenever anyone feels like it.

You want the really bad news? It ain't over by a long shot. We've only seen the tip of the iceberg. 1984 is gonna look like a fairy tale before it's all over.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Guild Wars

I had been seeing the press on this one and decided to give it a try after Janey met one of the devs. The fact that there is no subscription fee made it even more appealing.

I played most of the weekend and made it to level 13 so here is a quick review.

First off, as should ALWAYS be the case, they fixed a few of the constant nags we all have about most MMORPGS.

Logging in takes about 20 seconds from the time you double click the desktop icon till you are ready to play. Logging out is immediate, either select logout and pop back to the login window or click the little X and Boom, back to desktop.

Character creation is not even worth mentioning, one race (Human- YAWN!!), 6 professions, are you a dude or a chick, pick you hairdo and move along. PvP opens it's up a little but more about that later. You start out in happy bunny land and do a few missions then go 2 years into the future after a large devestation has happened.

Death penalty is gone for the most part. Everything outside of town is instanced and you only take a hit while you're in an instance. You lose a percentage of your stats every time you take a death so it doesn't take long to make an instance undoable. Pop back to town and you're back to normal but the instance resets (which means you have to kill everything yet again). The good news is you never lose xp or items or money.

Travel is easy, just open the map, click a town and Boom, you're there. The bad news is that you have to get to the town thru the wilderness or a mission first but to me, that's called playing the game but it can be tough. Chat in town is full of people offereing to "run" people to this town or that one.

There are no servers to pick, you just get 4 characters per account, that's it. 4 characters is not a problem because there is nothing new to do with a different character. Everyone starts in the same place with pretty much the same mission progression. If you love your alts, you're gonna hate this game. However, you get to pick a primary skill at character creation and get to choose a secondary skill set thru a series of missions that lets you try out all the other professions.

Crafting is not crafting, crafting is gathering random crap, salvaging it into materials and and trading the materials for a shiny new axe or piece of armor. Weapons drop but armor, except for shields, does not.

Probably the coolest thing about this game, which I experienced for the first time last night, is that you can make what they call an RP character (described above) and do the treadmill or a create a maxed out, PvP only character. That's right, install the game, create an account, make a fully equipped, maxed out PvP character and start kicking ass. Take note you other game makers, THIS IS THE WAY TO DO IT. No bullshit, no 6 months slogging to level 90, just go kick some ass. There are three different types of PvP, guild, friends or 4 on 4. I don't have any friends so I made a big honking warrior and went into the 4 on 4. I literally just clicked thru the defaults on the character and Boom, there he is. I teamed up with 3 complete strangers, the gates opened and it's balls to the wall. You get to keep fighting till you get defeated and we won 7 straight matches. It's arena type matches, either get the most kills (you res automatically if you die) or annihilate the other team (last team standing wins). So, no more level 50 one shotting a level 30 then spitting on him, everyone is max level and while balance is a myth, it really does seem to be a pretty level playing field. I know our team had a healer, some kind of mage and I believe our advantage was two warriors. Warriors don't seem to be really tanky but they can deal some damage. It was amazingly fun and the best part, it requires no investement of any kind to play.

Back to the normal game play. More of the same ol' thing. Kill monsters, get xp, kill more monsters, level, get a new skill, kill more monsters, get some xp, die, do a mission and kill some more monsters, die, carry this thing to that guy while killing more monsters. One thing they did right here was henchmen. You can put together a group of real people or, if you hate people like I do, just talk some henchmen into going with you. It doesn't cost anything but your henchmen take their share of xp and gold. You get all the drops though. You have absolutely no control over the henchmen, they follow you and attack what you attack. I have to say that their AI is pretty good as is the monster AI. The more intelligent mobs seem to go right for the healer and their healers will run from you. You can also just go into the wilderness alone but you won't last long.

They actually have a bit of a story and it's not too bad. They have small regular type mission and they big complex cooperative missions. The big missions advance the story line and even have little cut scenes which you get to play a part in. I've never, ever played any game, MMORPG or otherwise where I gave two shits about the story and while this is pretty much the same, it's really not too awfully bad.

The other players in this game are pretty much what they are in every other game. Lots of people crowded around in various spots dancing and emoting various random garbage. People fighting, spamming, cussing in global chat. I got an invite to a guild for some reason, must be my winning smile, so joined for lack of anything better to do. They seem like decent enough people. They had an auction last night for some runes (I have no idea what they do) and I heard the guild master talking about kicking some guy for scamming a newbie. Global chat is silent in instances Thank God but you can still hear guild chatter if you chose.

I would give the RP game a 6.5 because of all the things they got right but not higher because, while they did a lot of things right, it's still pretty much the same ol thing.

On the other hand, while I don't know if there is a point to the PvP game (I got some points of some kind), I give it a 9 just on implementation alone. If you're into PvP, give this one a try.

That's about it. I'm sure I'll think of more later on.

Why is this so funny?

Professional Putt-Putt

In light of Lance's 7th consequetive Tour de France win, I thought I would post about some oft forgetten althletes.

Sorry, I cracked up just writing that. There are a lot of good jokes there I'm sure but just the thought os a professional putt-putt player is enough for me.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

I don't know how they do it

A smack in the face

I was at the gym yesterday. I usually lift weights then go outside to run but the temp was around 98 and the humidity was somewhere in the neighborhood of 3000% so I decided to run on the treadmill instead.

Anyway, the Tour de France was on the TV. They were showing two guys running neck and neck. The amazing part to me was the crowd. There were 1000s of people in the road. Not on the side, behind a nice fence but in the middle of the road. They were't just standing quietly, they were jumping around and waving flags in the riders faces. They would part as the riders got close but they were so close to these guys, it's absolutely amazing to me that this kind of stuff doesn't happen more often. The pace cars and media vehicles were also very close, right on their asses. I would hate to think what would happen if one of them went down, as close as those cars were, there is no way they could stop in time without killing someone.

Even more amazing, it didn't seem to bother the riders. They were focused and just doing their thing.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Ultima Online

Man, haven't been here for a while:

UO was a big part of my life for a long time, about 4 years if I reckon correctly. I've never had a game last 1/8 that long before or since. Before the Sunsword boards went down for the count, there used to be some UO folks still around but I didn't pay them much attention. UO, in it's pre-Felucia/Trammel days was probably the best game ever invented and still holds a special place in my heart. You actually had to interact with people as people, not just with their powers or abilities like you do in the current batch.

Want a good laugh. Go down to the lower section and read about the EVIL items. I don't have a clue what evil items are but it just tickled my funny bone that evil items are a problem. DUH!! they are evil after all. ROFL...

No real point, just remembering the good old days.

Space elevator


OK, so we make this big long (62,000 miles) wire, attach it to something out in the ocean and a satellite in space and then send an "elevator" up it.

Excuse me... *COUGH*Bullshit*COUGH* Sorry...

I know, I know. I'm open minded enough to know that anything is possible but please, a 62,000 mile long piece of wire? Seems like the elevator would still face all the same problems as a conventional rocket, just having a wire to guide it wouldn't help it escape gravity. I'm not near smart enough to comment on this, I know that but I'm gonna take an "I'll believe it when I see it" stance on this one. Let's see, I'm almost 51 so I'll revisit this issue on my 66th birthday.

I know one other thing too, I sure wouldn't want to be around if that sucker broke...

Poetic Justice

Guess who??

Man, does this go in the "Be careful what you ask for" category or what? This one definately has me walking around smirking like the cat who ate the canary.

Of course, the chances that anything what-so-ever will happen to him are practically zero. There is no way The Turnip will let his his #1 right hand man go down, even if he is guilty of committing a felony.

Still, it affords me a great deal of amusement that they got caught in their own trap.

More eminent domain

Not enough

So what if you have to be a slum when the local government can change the rules and declare you a slum anytime they feel like it.

I know I'm harping on this a lot but I have to ask, who besides the obvious benefactors thinks this is a good idea? Everyone from arch Christian far right wing conservatives to tree hugging liberals are in an outrage over this.

I know the Supreme Court just interprets the law but they just got it all wrong on this one.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Wireless hitchhiking

Wireless hitchhiker arrested

Hitchhiking was the only way I could think to describe this. It's generally called war driving by the people who do it regularly. You drive around a neighborhood with a wireless network equipped laptop and use any unsecured networks you come across.

As a network admin and security guy, I used to think this was totally bad juju, akin to using your neighbors faucet to water your lawn. Well, real life has a way of intruding on our lofty ideals. When I in Washington, the hotel wanted $1 a minute or something like that for Internet access. However, when I turned on the wireless equipped laptop I brought from work, I found some wireless access points within range. I must admit I found the temptation too much to resist given the outrageous rate the hotel was charging. I hitched a ride on the free wireless train every morning to check my email and while I felt a little guilty, it certainly didn't stop me.

Personally, I don't see much difference in what I did and what this guy did. Maybe he was using it to send spam or something, who knows but the end result was the same, we "stole" someone else's bandwidth.

Hopefully, we'll get some clear laws on this soon. I'm not holding my breath though.

I'm confused

Attack on London

Quite often, the titles I give on my posts are sarcastic to the extreme but this one is sincere, I really am confused. I know I'm going to take some heat but I just don't feel anything about this. Maybe the events in my personal life have overshadowed anything I can feel about someone 5000 miles away but I don't think that's it. I think it's that I hear the exact same thing every day out of Iraq, that someone blew up 20 people in a crowded market or 8 soldiers died in a car side bomb. Is it different because it happened in downtown London instead of downtown Baghdad? Should we care about someone who speaks English more than we should care about someone who speaks Arabic?

I really am confused.



Ain't she cute!!

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

It's a girl

My oldest son, Jimmy, and his wife made my wife and I grandparents this morning.

Isabella Geneva Edwards was born at 9:58 AM and weighed 8 lb 4 oz. My wife got to be in on the delivery so she was very happy about that.

Everyone is doing great. Pictures in the next day or two.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Eminent domain in action

An piece about what happened in Pittsburg.

Take a look at Pittsburg

I'll let you form you're own opinions on what this means.

BTW, I think Sandra Day O'Connor resigned because of this issue.

Too funny not to share

You go girl

I agree. I think it's high time we stopped fucking with the universe.

A tough one

Time caves

This is a tough call in a rather theoretical sense. It's obvious that Time caved because the corporation was going to get hit with fines so, as is the way of the day, they hang the people out to dry.

To the issue, the press is not above the law, no one is. Well, unless you happen to be someone like George Bush or Tom DeLay or have enough money.

Man, this could get ugly fast. I wish I had more time but I think I'm just gonna say that I'm torn on this issue.