Sunday, January 29, 2006

Week 17

Not a bad week overall. Hell it was a damm good week simply because I got my last long run done before the marathon.

Monday was an off day so just went to the gym. I stopped lifting weights on my legs altogether, just concentrate on my upper body and do a lot of situps and leg lifts. I'll go back to legs after the marathon but it was causing me too much trouble.

Tuesday was 5 miles. Legs were very stiff for the first half but loosened up afterward.

Wednesday went to the gym, lifted and did some setups and ran three miles. Still pretty stiff but got it done.

Thursday another 5 miler. My legs have loosened up a lot and I'm feeling a lot more confident.

I took Friday off from work for a complete rest day. Didn't do anything all day but sit on my ass. It was a little boring to be honest.

Saturday was 3 miles. A little stiff but that's what the runs before a long run are for, to work out the kinks.

Sunday I got up at 5:30 to take my daughter-in-law to work. I was going to just stay up and hit my run early but the bed was looking too good so climbed back in and slept till after 7. Got up and ate a banana and breakfast bar with a cup of coffee. I started getting ready to go around 8:30 and it looked like the wife was going to stay in bed but jumped up at the last minute and decided to go.

We got out of the house right at 9. The temp said 46 but it seemed a lot warmer than that. The sun was out and there wasn't a cloud in the sky and only a light breeze blowing, it was a totally beautiful morning. That is not always a good thing in Texas because it can get hot quick. I started out slow, legs feeling a little stiff and my knee was twinging a bit. The first few miles were a little rough but everything eased up by 3 miles. I decided to not try and run straight thru but stop and take short rest stops occasionally. I stopped at 6 miles, walked a bit and ate some Shot Bloks. The run into Hutto is a gradual uphill and was a little rough but as I turned the corner I stopped for a pee break and felt great. In fact, I was feeling a little too good and let my pace increase a bit which turned out to be a mistake. From the 8 mile to 11 mile point, I was running very strong and easy. The wife was riding right along side me and we were chatting a bit, it sure is nice having her along. I do worry about her a bit, she doesn't watch traffic like she should but luckily it's pretty sparse. She has been so totally supportive of my insanity, she either rides along on her bicycle or meets me in the car and keeps my fluids refilled and it's just nice having here out there with me.

Back to the run. At 11 miles I turn south and dag nabbit, start running right into the same headwind again. I swear there are places on this earth where the wind always blows and always blows against you and I chose to run on one of them. The wind was pretty strong and it took it's toll on me. I managed to run the 3 miles to the end of that road but I was pretty tired with 8 miles still to go. I stopped for another rest break, ate some more shot bloks and trudged on. The rest of the way was tough and somewhere between 20 and 21 miles, I was completely exhausted. I walked most of the rest of the way with short bouts of running, pushing thru on sheer will power alone but somehow still managed to finish something around 22.75 miles in under 4 hours. I ended up laying on the floor for about 10 minutes when I got home trying to get some energy back.

That was my last long run before the marathon. The next two Sundays are only 12 mile runs and the marathon is only three weeks away. I'm hoping that by pushing myself so hard in the training, it will show results as my body rebuilds itself into a lean, mean marathon running machine. We shall see...

Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Originally uploaded by Big Ed the Bad.
You are now viewing the most perfect baby picture ever taken.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Week 16

A pretty good week with a few rough spots.

Monday was an day off from running and from work. I normally go to gym on Mondays but I decided to just rest after my big bad 22 miles on Sunday.

Tuesday was 4 miles. I ran nice and hard today, really burned it up. It really feels good to run fast, really makes you feel like all that training is paying off.

Wednesday I went to the gym, lifted weights and went for a 7 mile run. My plan was to do 3 miles on the treadmill and then go outside for the other 4. It's really hard to do 7 miles in the neighborhood by the gym but all the treadmills were taken and I had figured out a 6 mile course so I just hit the road. It really is a nice course thru an older neighborhood although I have to cross a few very busy streets. I made up the other two miles just running up and down the side streets. My legs were pretty tired, this weight lifting is tough since I've never really done much with my legs before, thinking that running did everything I needed. Anyway, I got the 7 done with only one very short walk to rest.

Thursday the wife went off to Dripping Springs to help her friend get ready for her daughter's Quinceaneras. That left me with a lot of freedom as to where to go run. We usually carpool so I have to be considerate of making her sit around and wait somewhere while I run for 2 hours but today, my options were open. I decided to do the Austin Hike and Bike trail which is a 10 mile loop, perfect for my 10 mile requirement. I got down there about 4:30, checked out the map and was soon off and running. The trail is pretty nice in most places but there are areas where it needs some help. As you head west, pass under Mopac and head back toward town, it's all wide and well maintained but when you head further east, it leaves a lot to be desired. It just ends in a street and there are no markings as to which way to go. You just have to wander around and figure it out. I got lucky and didn't take too many detours. I had one moment where I felt a bit uncomfortable. There were 4 young vatos, about 14 or 15 years old, talking to two older guys. As I got near a rather narrow wood bridge, these 4 took off across it blocking most of the bridge. As I got to them, they split and let me thru but one gave me a look that said he really wanted to start something with me. I think the fact that I'm the size of a large grizzly bear persuaded him that it wasn't a good idea or maybe it was just my imagination (not likely). Anyway, shortly after that, I crossed over Longhorn dam just and the sun was touching the horizon. The view from up there is beautiful, you can see downtown Austin stretched out along the river and the sun on the water was really spectacular. That was the good part, my legs were really tired and my butt hurt a lot. My knees were also giving me fits, all I think from the weight lifting. I had to stop and walk a lot, the 10 miles took me a full two hours and it was getting full dark by the time I finished. I stopped at Wendy's for a burger on the way home.

Friday was an off day and I felt really tired. My right knee acted up throughout the day but I stopped by the gym and did some light weights anyway. It actually made it feel a lot better and kind of worked the kinks out of my muscles.

Saturday was supposed to be 4 miles but my knee was still bothering me. Add that to the fact the we were going to the Quinceaneras that night and would probably be doing some dancing and I decided to bag the Saturday run.

We didn't get home from the Quinceaneras until after 1 AM. I had to get up at 5:30 to take my daughter-in-law to work and felt like a total zombie. I crawled right back in bed when I got back and slept till almost 10 AM. Sleeping that late is just unheard of for me but it felt pretty good, I woke up alert and ready to go. I decided to wait till later to run, it was rainy and cold and I was starving so cooked breakfast instead. I didn't go running till around 12:30. It was still rainy and cold but I wore a fleece thing I picked up at Old Navy so was warm and toasty although a little wet. My knees gave me a little greif but I ran at a pretty good pace and did a very respectable 10 miles in about 1 1/2 hours. I am going to modify my lifting and concentrate only on my hips, I think I'm overworking my lower legs and I certainly don't want to make too many changes this close to the marathon. My mantra thru this whole process has been "Stay Healthy and you'll make it" and while there are things I can't control, overworking my legs is certainly one I can.

Next week is very exciting for me. Next Sunday is my last long run before the marathon. When I finish next week, it will only be three weeks till the big day. I can't wait.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Week 15

A pretty good week overall.

I decided to go back to the gym and do some weight lifting. My hips have been hurting and I read that running only strengthes certain leg muscles and you need to work out the others seperately. So, I went on Monday and did what used to be my normal upper body and added in 4 leg machines, did some leg lifts and some sit ups. I wasn't too worried about being sore, my running should have at least kept everything somewhat toned and that turned out to be the case, I didn't get sore at all.

Tuesday was an easy day. I was supposed to do some intervals but just ran 3 miles instead with a few fartlek sessions. My legs felt a little weak from the weights lifting but not too bad.

Wednesday I hit the gym again, same routine as on Monday but I also ran 6 miles on the treadmill. In the past, I always just set it on 6 MPH (10 minute mile) and so figured that was good this time too. It was a little harder than I expected since I haven't been running quite that fast out on the road. However, I did the 6 miles without any problem although my legs once again felt a little weak about half way thru.

Thurday was 8 miles. Not much problem here but still my legs were a bit weak. I had originally planned on going to the gym and lift again on Friday but decided to skip it and give my legs an extra day to rest for the big 22 on Sunday.

Saturday was an easy 3 mile warmup. No problems there. 3 miles felt prety good and only really served to get me good and sweaty.

So, I felt pretty good and ready for Sunday. I decided to do the same course that defeated me two weeks ago. My wife decided to go with me at the last minute and ride her bicycle. I have really been on her to get back in shape, there was a time she could run 5 miles with no problem but hurt her knees several years ago and has been having problems getting going again. We loaded up with water and Gatorade and took off about 8:45. The weather was pretty nice, around 52 but a little windy. The only bad thing was I got about a mile out and relized I had forgotten my Shot Bloks. I decided to just forge on and hope the Gatorade would keep me fueled. The wind was at my back and was no sweat for the first 7.5 miles and when I hit the turn to go east, I was feeling pretty good and running easy. This was the point two weeks ago when I knew I was in trouble but today, I felt like a million bucks. The road I turned on here is about the most podunk back country road you can imagine, it's dirt for the first 1/2 miles but that's a good thing, no cars. The bad part is that it goes down between two cotton fields and the cotton is gone, nothing out there but plowed dirt to look at and nothing to stop the wind. Luckily, the wind was from the south so it was hitting me from the side and not having much effect. I put this section of the run behind me without too much effort and was still feeling good when I hit the half way point and turned into the wind. The wind was strong, probably about 10 - 15 MPH but I still wasn't having any trouble. I could feel it to be sure but was still running strong. This stretch of road is about three miles long and also pretty boring but not quite as bad as the last one. My legs were starting to get pretty stiff but I just kept plugging away. I finally got to Mortons Crossing, a little bump in the road that is about the 14 mile point. Although the wind was still pretty strong, there are some trees here to cut it a bit. I tried to walk a bit here to rest my legs but when I stopped, it just didn't feel right so I immediately went back to running. It wasn't long after that, maybe a mile where I hit a really steep hill. I normally kick it's ass but today was the hill's day, I got about half way up and started walking. I was feeling pretty tired by this point and my legs were hurting so the walk did me some good. I was able to start running at the top and continued on. I made somewhat of a tactical error shortly after this, I deicded to take a new route down Melber Lane. My normal route and this road form a square so the distance is the same so I opted for some new scenery, The bad part is that Melber Lane is EVIL!! It's all hills. Not pretty little hills, big leg chewing, lung busting hills. Melber Lane drained the rest of my energy reserves, I would walk up each hill and run down the other side. Finally, the ordeal of Melber Lane was over but I was pretty tired and running out of energy quick. I had about 2 1/2 miles left so did about a mile, walking some running mostly then chugged a large quantity of Gatorade, hopeing for an energy boost. The course I laid out was actually about 22.75 miles and I actually seemed to get a boost about the 22 mile mark and was able to run the last 3/4 miles at a pretty good pace. Maybe it was seeing the end that gave me some energy, I do always seem to have a pretty good kick at the end.

Anyway, it was finally over. It took me a little less than 4 hours to complete which I am certainly pleased with given the wind and evil I endured. My goal for the marathon is somewhere around 4 hours. Given that I have 5 weeks of training left, I think I might actually be able to hit 4 hours or pretty darn close. I was using this run as a test to see if I could actually do the marathon and I passed. I haven't signed up yet but I'll be doing that in the next few days.

Marathon here I come.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Week 14

Week 14 started about 2 AM Monday morning with me heaving my guts out. I had been sick as a dog all day, my stomach feeling like I ate rocks covered in barbed wire. Finally turning loose of it Monday night, I felt a little better but woke up Monday morning so weak I could barely move. My son happened to have an interview at my office so I drove him there, intending to go to work but dropped him off, went back home and slept till 9:30. Anyway, since I can't point to any particular thing I might have eaten, I assume I got some kind of bug. I went to work Tuesday feeling a lot better but bagged the running for the week, not wanting to push it and get all better.

I went out for a short 3 miler on Saturday. I felt pretty good but was a little weak at the end.

Sunday was 10 miles. I was feeling great till about 6 or 7 miles and started feeling a little weak, not sick or out of breath but just a little weak. I think it was just a hold over from the bug. I just bucked up and made it thru the 10 without too much trouble and felt fine the rest of the day.

I'm going to get back on schedule next week and take another stab at 22 next Sunday. I'm also going back to the gym and doing some weight lifting, upper and lower body, to help my hip pain problems.

Wish me luck.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Week 13

Good old lucky 13 turned out to not be so lucky for me.

The week started out well enough. I was off work on Monday so pretty much just chilled out, not doing much of anything.

Tuesday was supposed to be 6 880 intervals but I hate doing that stuff and don't have a good place to do it so just ran 3 miles with some Fartlek instead. No real problems there. I was supposed to pick up my new shoes today but time got away from me and it just didn't happen. I really wanted to get them broke in before Sunday when I'm supposed to do 22 miles.

Wednesday was a fairly easy 6 miles. Still didn't get my shoes picked up.

Thursday I finally got around to going to get my new shoes. This is the third pair of New Balance 766's I've used and I really like them. While I was at the store, I also picked up this little gadget: 4 Bottle Fuel Belt This thing has 4 7 OZ water bottles and a little pounch on the back for other stuff. I've been wanting to carry my cell phone with me but just couldn't stand the thought of it bouncing around in my pocket so this is a perfect solution. I've been carrying my water or Gatorade in my hand but am really getting tired of that. I set it down when I'm doing a loop and I just run so much easier without carrying it. Anyway, I used my new Belt and my new shoes on my run today. I had a little trouble getting used to the Belt. I cinched it around my waste at my belt line but it was bumping my hips. A small irritation can do one of two things on a long run, either go away or become a BIG NASTY irritation. I decided to move it lower down on my hips and that solved the bumping problem for a few miles but my hips started hurting from the pressure of the belt so I moved it back up to my belt line. Luckily, the bumping kind of went away and didn't cause me any more problems and I forgot about it pretty quick. It sure was nice to just run and let my arms swing naturally without something in my hand. My new shoes worked out really nice, new running shoes always feel so good but my orthodic in my left shoes started really hurting at about 7 miles. I finished the 8 miles without much trouble and was actually feeling pretty good about my new equipment.

Friday was an off day. Saturday I got up early and did 3 miles. I left my orthodics out just to see what would happen but didn't like it so decided to put them in for Sunday's 22 and figured I could just stop and take them out if they caused a problem. Saturday was also my wife's birthday so I spent the day catering to her every whim.

Saturday night I stayed up till after midnight since it was New Year's Eve and some nights of the year I don't get to be an old fart and go to bed at sundown. I had to wake up early Sunday to take my daughter-in-law to work and felt rather tired. I got back and ate 2 bananas and a breakfast bar with a cup of coffee and hung around for a while, just waiting for breakfast to settle. My stomach felt a little heavy for some reason, I had forgotten about that till just now (the importance of this will become apparent shortly). Anyway, about 9 or so I started getting everything ready for my 22 mile run and got out the door about 9:20. It was already conparitively warm, probably in the 60s. I started out slow and felt pretty good although I was sweating pretty heavy within the first few miles. I was running a different route and it was a very nice change, new scenery and part of the run on a very nice road with a wide shoulder. I'm used to running this back country roads and sharing it with cars so a shoulder was very nice. The road was wet and my shoes were slipping a bit in places but there was a strong wind blowing which dried things off before I got to any bad spots. The first 5 miles were very nice. My problems didn't start till I got to about the 7 or 8 mile point. This is usually a good spot in a long run, everything is warmed up and feeling good but not today. I knew something wasn't right, I just didn't feel good. I was getting very sluggish and my energy levels were dropping. There are always times during training when you feel like quitting and I just thought this was one of them so I pushed on. By the time I got to 10 miles, I was walking on and off with running. I was on a very long boring stretch of back country road that seemed to go on forever, nothing but plowed dirt on both sides of me but I kept pushing, walking when I had to and running most of the time. At about 11 miles, I called my wife to bring me out some fresh water and Gatorade and turned south on another long stretch. The difference here is I also turned into about a 15 MPH head wind. With my energy levels already down, this was the capper. I started walking as much as I was running, still trying to keep moving but not making very good progress. I managed to make a few more miles before my wife showed up so I handed her the belt and kept running. She refilled the bottles and parked a little way ahead of me. I was really dragging ass and walking by this time so she asked me how I was doing and I told her that I was not doing good at all. She asked if I wanted to quit and go home but I was determined not to quit. I felt a bit of the asthma I experienced a while back which I thought had gone away so thought maybe I just wasn't getting enough air and asked her to go get my inhaler. She took off and I kept plugging along, still walking way too much. I made a few more miles before she got back and a few puffs on the inhaler didn't help so I told her to wait a few hunderd yards ahead and let me see how I was feeling. As she drove off, I waved and she must have took this as a sign that I was telling her to stop so she did. I just decided to call it quits, knowing the next 8 miles would be damm near impossible. I ended up doing about 16 miles in about 3 hours.

When I got home, I didn't feel good at all. My stomach hurt a lot and I just generally felt like crap. I took a 10 minute cold water bath and then a shower and laid down in bed for a few minutes. I was getting sleepy but she had left to go pick up the kids and had told me not to go to sleep so I got up and watched TV. About an hour later, she came home and brought me a burger and even though my stomach wasn't feeling very good, I thought I needed to eat. I only got about 3/4 of the burger down and couldn't eat any more. My stomach hurt bad the rest of the day and I went to bed about 8 PM. I tossed and turned till about 2 AM when a big cramp hit me and everything came back up. I felt a bit better afterwards and was able to sleep the rest of the night but I felt so bad the next day, I didn't go to work. I'm still feeling like crap today, very washed out and weak. I still can't hardly eat but I came to work anyway, too much stuff to do. At first I thought I had gotten food poisoning but this didn't feel like that. I've had it in the past and within a few hours, my body always violently rejects the infidel but it was a good 12 hours between my last meal and the bad part in the middle of the night. I heard there is a bug of some kind going around and that must be what happened, I was probably already sick Sunday morning (hence the heaviness in my stomach) and that is what sapped all my juice. There is simply no other explanation for tanking like that when 18 miles and 20 miles have been fairly easy.

Well, I've got two more long ones before the marathon, plenty of time to see if I've got what it takes for the long haul. Believe me, I had lots of bad thoughts out on the trail on Sunday, why am I doing this, why am I putting myself thru this, etc but I'm not going to quit. It's just that simple, I'm not going to quit, nuff' said. I am going to take a few days off to get better though so we'll see how it goes.

Wish me luck.